Skychart for position of uranus october 19
Skychart for position of uranus october 19

skychart for position of uranus october 19

Usually I achieve that task with the Red filter of my LRGB set because it delivers a relatively steady and a crisp image, however, I sometimes use the Green filter as well because the image has a brighter limb. The tiny disk is easily recognized as a planet at the eyepiece. Currently in Pisces in front of a relatively poor star background it is not difficult to spot. You can find it with circles or look for your way at the finder of the telescope thanks to a sky chart.

skychart for position of uranus october 19

The planet is not very easy to find (except if your telescope has go-to) but quite more than Neptune. Finally, it looks like belts can pop up in color… I mean that a completely successful color image of Uranus should be able to reveal details :).The color balance tries to respect the precise nuance of tint particular to Uranus, which is different from Neptune.The elliptical shape of the planet is apparent (it is not circular like Neptune, the polar flattening is very pronounced).Here is what in my opinion is a successful Uranus color image Imaging Uranus in color shares common points with the method proposed for Neptune color imaging but it has more complexity (and more interest, as well !). You can really spot it with naked eye if your sky is transparent and if you know exactly where it is. Uranus will be at opposition this year on October 3rd with an apparent diameter of 3,7″ and a visual magnitude of +5,7. Here is a tutorial to achieve good color images of the planet… Uranus is far away, small and not very bright, yet it delivers at the eyepiece a very charming view of a definitely planetary object. Apart of imaging belts on Uranus, you may want to make color images of the planet :).

Skychart for position of uranus october 19